by Threeman Cult | Mar 28, 2023 | audio production, collaboration, DAW, home studio, indie rock, kompoz, songs
Jump to Song Here’s my own telling of an ancient story, in homage to that lil’ ole band from Texas. At this point in OUR story, 3ManCult is a self-producing band, who gets by/high with a little help from each other and friends. So THAT is the point our...
by Threeman Cult | Jan 31, 2023 | audio production, DAW, home studio
This past week I officially entered the realm of home-studio digital audio production. I say “officially” because until now, I’ve been attempting to mix using no-name “dj headphones” and bookshelf audio speakers. In a word, that was...
by Threeman Cult | Jan 17, 2023 | audio production, DAW, home studio
Cheap Studio Monitor Isolators and Stretch Covers for the WIN Remember my last post about the absolutely AWESOME but some would say ugly-glossy JBL 305P MKii speakers? Well here are three quick tweaks that will put you right up there with the experts in terms...