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Song Feature: The Guilty (first blog post!)

Dec 15, 2022 | collaboration, indie rock, kompoz, unsigned

Welcome to the 3ManCult Blog!

Exploring the fringes of unsigned musicians and unknown music…

I’ve wanted to blog for quite a while, and never found the right topic. But of course the right topic was in front of me all the time… ME …and my various interests and escapades as an amateur musician on the side of a 9-5 career. So that’s what this blog will cover, with topics ranging from equipment reviews, to tips and techniques, to strange new musical discoveries.

In this virgin post, I’m featuring one of my favorite discoveries from the online collaboration website Kompoz.com: “The Guilty”

Let’s be honest… lame-ass bubblegum pop is nothing new, and there’s more of it now than ever. On the other hand, there’s also a lot of great music being made completely outside of the “music industry” proper by amateur musicians, singers, and producers. It’s like the old days cobbling together mixtapes have returned – but this time with all the amazing new superpowers of home-studio audio production !!!

IMO, one of the best websites connecting and serving grass-roots musicians is Kompoz.com; where musical collaboration is the name of the game. And you never know where things might go!

If you like that groov’n indie-rock vibe, you’re gonna love The Guilty

I invite you to spend some time on musical DIY sites like Kompoz. You’ll quickly realize how challenging home-studio production really is. From songwriting, to musicianship, to audio production, every stage is important to the final product; and few amateurs have all the skills necessary to deliver a produced song that’s even remotely on par with what the average Jane/Joe listener is accustomed to hearing.

IMO, finding real value in most amateur music, is kinda like restoring old cars: It’s all about potential. One must actively listen to and engage with songs to evaluate them in terms of what could be, and not so much the current condition they’re in. I have such a great time thumbing thru music-in-process – which is a fairly new “thing” to be able to do, if you think about it.

So when I’m prowling around these sites, I’m specifically looking for “diamonds in the rough.”  Maybe it’s just a short bassline, or the lyrics of a chorus, or 10 seconds of lead guitar solo… but that bassline, lyric, and solo is F!@#$ awesome and very much worth discovering. Maybe even worth collaborating on myself, which is a blast as well.

Make no mistake, regardless of your preferred genre(s), finding what most people would consider to be “good” music on amateur music websites is a challenge. But sometimes… something pops up that is clearly head-n-shoulders above the rest. That’s “The Guilty.”

The Guilty

If you like that groov’n indie-rock vibe, you’re gonna love The Guilty. This collaboration was kicked off over 4 years ago and hasn’t seen much action. Probably because TheBeubi knocked it outta the park with his contribution and everyone just decided, “Yup – daz wazup!”

Life for this song began as lyrics by “fatl844” then came drums, guitars and vocals from other collaborators. I’ve even begun working up some electric guitar myself, but its SO damn good as is. Click the left-logo in the audio player below and enjoy!

Remember, these are amateur musicians (as far as I know) working collaboratively online from home-studio environments to create and develop original music. Very, very cool… and the topic of many more posts to come. 

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